Since 1990, Hui Malama and now Hui Iwi Kuamoo has worked with the institutions in the following cities to undo the evils of colonialism to repatriate our ancestors, their possessions and certain sacred objects for reburial and proper care in our kulaiwi (homeland) of Hawaiʻi.
The organization established by Kumu (Teachers) Edward Lavon Huihui Kanahele and Pualani Kanaka‘ole Kanahele to provide care and protection for iwi kūpuna and moepū was named by Mrs. Kanahele as Hui Mālama I Nā Kūpuna O Hawai‘i Nei (Group Carrying for the Ancestors of Hawai‘i).
For Hawaiians, the time frame for thievery of our ancestors started when westerners first arrived, so following 1778. Colonialism was griping the world whereby the empires were enforcing their influence and control upon Aboriginal societies. One critical manner by which these powerful countries sought to justify their violence upon others was to promote the principle of biological superiority and manifest destiny… continue reading

Since 1990, Hui Malama and now Hui Iwi Kuamoo has worked with the institutions in the following cities to undo the evils of colonialism to repatriate our ancestors, their possessions and certain sacred objects for reburial and proper care in our kulaiwi (homeland) of Hawaiʻi.
Project Iwi Kuamoʻo
Through ‘Aha Kāne, a brief presentation of our Project Iwi Kuamo‘o: Capacity Building for Ka Lāhui Hawai‘i in the fundamental responsibility to care for the bones of the ancestors.